Code: E021029 Physics II.
Lecturer: Mgr. Rudolf Sıkora Ph.D. Weekly load: 2P+1C+1L Completion: A, EX
Department: 12102 Credits: 5 Semester: S
Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction. Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic waves. Light, wave optics, geometrical optics. Quantum properties of electromagnetic waves. Interaction of radiation with matter. Photoelectric effect. Wave-particle mature of matter. Quantum-mechanical description of particle's motion. Hydrogen atom and periodic system of elements. Spectra, x-rays, ;laser. Band theory of solids, semiconductors. Nucleus, radioactivity, sources of nuclear energy. Laboratories - measurements of 6 experiments related to the lectures.
1. Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction, self-inductance, mutual inductance.
2. Maxwell's equations, displacement current.
3. Electromagnetic waves, interaction of radiation with matter. Light.
4. Geometrical optics.
5. Wave optics, interference. Special theory of relativity.
6. Particle nature of radiation. Photoelectric effect. Black-body radiation, the Compton effect.
7. Wave-particle nature of matter. De Broglie waves. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
8. Models of hydrogen atom, quantum numbers, electron spin.
9. Introduction into quantum mechanics - Schrodinger equation.
10. Particle in a box. Harmonic oscillator. Periodic system of elements.
11. Spectra, x-rays, laser. Molecular bonds.
12. Band theory of solids, semiconductors.
13. Radioactivity, activity, disintegration law, half-life, sources of nuclear energy, measurements.
14. Fundamental elementary particles, classification. Cosmology.
Seminar contents:
Laboratory experimetns concern the topics corresponding to the actual lecture. Students are divided into groups of two. Each student must have his/her individual report from each measurement.
Recommended literature:
Vesela E., Physics II, CTU Publishing House, Prague, 2019
Vesela E., Vacek V.: Handbook of Laboratory Experiments in Physics, CTU Publishing House, Prague, 2017

Abbreviations used:


Mode of completion of the course:

Weekly load (hours per week):