Code: E141092 Microelectronics
Lecturer: doc. Ing. Jan Chyský CSc. Weekly load: 2P+0C+1L Completion: A, EX
Department: 12110 Credits: 4 Semester: S
Basic characteristics of logic circuits and programmable logical systems, input and output circuits - voltage and current matching, D/A and A/D converters, coding, lines and protocols of communications, electronic and optoelectronic parts for microelectronics, microprocessor system applications.
1.Electrical characteristics of logic families. Combinational logic.
2.Sequential logic, asynchronous and synchronous logic circuits, registers, counters and timers, programmable logic circuits.
3.Structure and operation of microcomputer, microprocessor, registers, memory, number representation in microprocessor systems, coding.
4.I/O circuits of microcomputer, voltage and current signal matching, overvoltage protection, galvanic separation, electromagnetic compatibility
5.D/A and A/D converters. Current loop. Lines of communications (RS232, RS484, RS422, CAN) and protocols, IrDA signal transmission.
6.Electronic and optoelectronic parts for microelectronics.
7.Microprocessor systems application
Seminar contents:
1.Combinational logic and sequential circuit, programmable logic circuits.
2.Power outputs of logic circuits. Optical separation, relay, SSR.
3.Input and output of analog signal in microcomputer systems: A-D and D-A converters.
4.Programmable relay, PLD Easy relay, Siemens LOGO.
5.Level conversion, comparator, signal shaping, timer.
6.Measuring central on base of PC-lab card LabView
Recommended literature:
Uhlíř I. a kol., Elektrické obvody a elektronika, Chyský J., Novák J., Novák L., Elektronické aplikace ve strojírenství, Novák L., Papeľová S., Uhlíř I., Elektronické prvky a obvody ve strojírenství, Crecraft D.I., Gorham D.A., Sparkes J.J., Electronics, London 1993, Papeľová S., Elektronika pro letecké specializace, ČVUT, 1996

Abbreviations used:


Mode of completion of the course:

Weekly load (hours per week):