Code: E161024 |
Cooling in Environmental Engineering |
Lecturer: Ing. Vladimír Šulc Ph.D. |
Weekly load: 3P+1C |
Completion: A, EX |
Department: 12116 |
Credits: 4 |
Semester: S |
- Description:
Main knowledge for cooling in environmental engineering - cooling circuits and cycles, coolants, basic components of circuits.
- Contents:
Basics of hydrodynamics, thermodynamics and heat transfer
Cooling cycles and circuits
Coolants and oils
Heat exchangers
Automatics of cooling circuits
Characteristics of individual components and whole circuits
- Recommended literature:
CHYSKÝ, J.; HEMZAl, K. a kol. Větrání a klimatizace. Technický průvodce. 3.vyd.
Brno: BOLIT - B press, 1993. 490 s. ISBN 80-901574-0-8.
- Keywords:
- cooling, cooling cycles, coolants
Abbreviations used:
- W ... winter semester (usually October - February)
- S ... spring semester (usually March - June)
- W,S ... both semesters
Mode of completion of the course:
- A ... Assessment (no grade is given to this course but credits are awarded. You will receive only P (Passed) of F (Failed) and number of credits)
- GA ... Graded Assessment (a grade is awarded for this course)
- EX ... Examination (a grade is awarded for this course)
- A, EX ... Examination (the award of Assessment is a precondition for taking the Examination in the given subject, a grade is awarded for this course)
Weekly load (hours per week):
- P ... lecture
- C ... seminar
- L ... laboratory
- R ... proseminar
- S ... seminar