- Description:
Extend knowledge for design, control and evaluation of single-zone and multi-zone air conditioning systems.
- Contents:
Basic characteristics of all-air, all-water, all-refrigerant air conditioning systems.Typical sigle-zone and multi-zone systems. Design and calculation of air conditioning systems (all-water (fan-coil)systems; all-refrigerant systems; all-air single-duct and dual-duct systems; combined air-water induction systems; cooling ceilings). Cooling for air conditioning. Natural ventilation of building. Quality and efficiency of ventilation, age of air. Energy balance simulation. Energy consumption of air conditioning systems.
- Seminar contents:
Practice: Heat and humidity transfer, represent processes graphically in psychromeric chart, calculation of capacity parameters single-zone and multi-zone air conditioning systems.Energy consumption.
- Recommended literature:
ASHRAE HANDBOOK. Fundamentals. Atlanta: ASHRAE, 2005. ISBN 1-931862-71-0
? ASHRAE HANDBOOK. HVAC Systems and Equipment Atlanta: ASHRAE, 2008. ISBN 978-1-933742-34-2
? Vedavaraz, A.; Kumar, S.; Hussain, M., I. HVAC: Handbook of heating, ventilation and air conditioning.
1st edit. New York: Industrial Press, INC., 2007. ISBN 0-8311-3163-2
- Keywords:
- Single-zone air-conditioning systems, multi-zone air-conditioning systems,energy consumption, energy simulation.
Abbreviations used:
- W ... winter semester (usually October - February)
- S ... spring semester (usually March - June)
- W,S ... both semesters
Mode of completion of the course:
- A ... Assessment (no grade is given to this course but credits are awarded. You will receive only P (Passed) of F (Failed) and number of credits)
- GA ... Graded Assessment (a grade is awarded for this course)
- EX ... Examination (a grade is awarded for this course)
- A, EX ... Examination (the award of Assessment is a precondition for taking the Examination in the given subject, a grade is awarded for this course)
Weekly load (hours per week):
- P ... lecture
- C ... seminar
- L ... laboratory
- R ... proseminar
- S ... seminar