Code: E162023 Fundamentals of Alternative Energy Sources
Lecturer: doc. Ing. Tomáš Matuška Ph.D. Weekly load: 2P+1C Completion: GA
Department: 12116 Credits: 4 Semester: S
Principles and basics of alternative energy sources applications. Solar energy. Heat pumps. Biomass utilization.
Solar energy. Photothermal conversion of solar radiation. Solar collectors. Solar thermal systems - design and balancing.Solar systems components and their design. Heat pumps and components. Heat pump coefficient of performance. Heat pump operation. Sources of low potential heat for heat pumps (air, water, ground, waste heat). Design of low potential heat sources. Energy use of biomass. Types of biomass (fytomass, animal, waste). Termochemical conversion of biomass. Combustion and combustion boilers.
Seminar contents:
Geometry of solar radiation. Efficiency and thermal output of solar collector. Dimensioning of solar collector area for water heating systems. Energy gains calculation. Heat pump cycle in diagramm pressure-enthalpy. Dimensioning of low-potential heat sources for heat pumps (ground bore holes and flat collectors, wells, waste air). Design of heat pump for heating (heat load, heating water temperature). Dimensioning of biomass fuel store.
Recommended literature:
Matuška, T.: Sešit projektanta - Solární tepelné soustavy, STP 2009.
Dvořák, Petrák: Tepelná čerpadla.
Matuška, T.: Alternativní zdroje energie, ČVUT 2010. Učební podklady na internetu.
solar energy, heat pumps, combustion of biomass

Abbreviations used:


Mode of completion of the course:

Weekly load (hours per week):