Code: E321039 |
Materials Science II. |
Lecturer: Ing. Jakub Horník Ph.D. |
Weekly load: 2P+2L |
Completion: A, EX |
Department: 12132 |
Credits: 4 |
Semester: W |
- Description:
Fundamentals of metallurgy, iron-carbon alloys and influence of other elements, phase transformations, thermal, combined chemical and thermal and thermo-mechanical processing, technical iron-carbon alloys, non-ferrous metals and their alloys, plastics, structural ceramics, composites, selection of materials.
- Contents:
1. Iron-carbon alloys and influence of other elements
2. Fundamentals of metallurgy (classical metallurgical processes, special metallurgical processes)
3. Phase transformations in ferrous alloys (austenitization, pearlitic, bainitic and martensitic transformation, tempering, T-T-T diagrams)
4. Heat treatment of ferrous alloys (annealing, quenching, face hardening)
5. Heat treatment in controlled atmospheres (carburizing, nitriding, carbonitriding, nitrocarburizing) and hot working
6. Classification of steels and their designation
7. Structural steels
8. Tool steels
9. Cast irons
10. Nonferrous metals and their alloys, processing
11. Powder metallurgy and applications, technical ceramics
12. Plastics and their processing
13. Composites - production and processing
14. Selection of materials
- Seminar contents:
Equilibrium structures of steels, Grain size, Hardenability of steels, Hardness of case-hardened layer, Precipitation hardening, Structure and mechanical properties of plastics, Modulus of elasticity of plastics, Modulus of elasticity of composites, Assessment of quality of cast irons,
Presentation of individual projects
- Recommended literature:
[1] CALLISTER, W.D.,Jr. Material Science and Engineering: An Introduction, J.Willey & sons, N.Y., 1994 (In English)
[2] SHACKELFORD, J.F. : Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers, Pearson, 2021 (In English)
[3] MACEK, K. a kol. Nauka o materiálu, cvičení. Praha: Vydavatelství ČVUT v Praze, 2007 (In Czech)
- Keywords:
- Metallurgy, ferrous alloys, phase transformations, heat treatment, non-ferrous metals, plastics, structural ceramics, composites.
Abbreviations used:
- W ... winter semester (usually October - February)
- S ... spring semester (usually March - June)
- W,S ... both semesters
Mode of completion of the course:
- A ... Assessment (no grade is given to this course but credits are awarded. You will receive only P (Passed) of F (Failed) and number of credits)
- GA ... Graded Assessment (a grade is awarded for this course)
- EX ... Examination (a grade is awarded for this course)
- A, EX ... Examination (the award of Assessment is a precondition for taking the Examination in the given subject, a grade is awarded for this course)
Weekly load (hours per week):
- P ... lecture
- C ... seminar
- L ... laboratory
- R ... proseminar
- S ... seminar