Code: E371002 System and Process Control
Lecturer: prof. Ing. Tomáš Vyhlídal Ph.D. Weekly load: 3P+1.4C+0.6L Completion: A, EX
Department: 12110 Credits: 6 Semester: S
The subject focuses on design and implementation of control methods for systems and processes. Emphasis is laid on the advanced methods for synthesis of PID, state feedback and dynamic controllers in the time, spectral and frequency domains. Students are also acquainted with the implementation aspects of controllers, concepts of their robust design and methods to deal with transportation delay in the processes. In practical tutorials, students learn to apply control design tools of Matlab for the advanced control design. The course also involves four laboratory classes, where students implement theoretically designed controllers on laboratory systems and processes.
? Introduction to control design, terminology, basic strategies of feedback control, examples of industrial system control applications
? PID controllers, analysis of the controller parts, ideal and end-point algorithms, actuator saturation, integration antiwindup
? Frequency domain requirements and analysis, closed loop stability, gain and phase margin, impact of open loop transfer function zeros
? PID controller design by shaping the frequency characteristics towards set-point following and disturbance rejection, two degree of freedom controllers
? Introduction to robust control design, H-infinity norm and sensitivity function definition
? Practical aspects of robust H-infinity controller design via mixed sensitivity functions
? Spectral analysis of control systems, root-locus method
? Controllability, state feedback controller design
? Observability, state observer and its use for control and system diagnosis
? Advanced control schemes, master-slave, combination of feedforward and feedback paths
? Autonomous control of multiple input, multiple output systems
? Control of processes with transportation delay, spectral and frequency properties
? Time delay compensation schemes, internal model control, Smith predictor.
Recommended literature:
? S. Skogestad and I. Postlethwaite, Multivariable feedback control - Analysis and design, 2005, 2nd Edition, Wiley
? Ogata K.: Modern Control Engineering. Prentice Hall, Boston, 2010
? Nise, Norman S. Control systems engineering. John Wiley & Sons, 2007
? Elektronické podklady pro přednášky a cvičení na

Abbreviations used:


Mode of completion of the course:

Weekly load (hours per week):