Code: E372027 Pneumatic and Hydraulic Drive Systems
Lecturer: Dr. Goran Simeunovič Ph.D. Weekly load: 1P+0C+2L Completion: GA
Department: 12110 Credits: 4 Semester: W
Modern pneumatic and hydraulic means of automatic control, design of sequential circuits and their simulation in SW.
? Classification of automatic control means
? Production, treatment and distribution of compressed air, compressed air properties
? Pneumatic actuators and sensors - design, function, application area
? Pneumatic distributors - design, function and applications. Valve terminals - categories, application areas. Digital pneumatics
? Construction of pneumatic circuits and standardization of drawing documentation
? Design and simulation of pneumatic systems and dimensioning of pneumatic elements
? Hydraulic actuators, sensors and hydraulic distributors - theoretical bases
? Design and simulation of hydraulic systems and dimensioning of hydraulic elements
? Sequential pneumatic and hydraulic circuits ? I
? Sequential pneumatic and hydraulic circuits ? II
? SW tools for the design and simulation of pneumatic and hydraulic systems, application examples
? Advanced control methods of pneumatic and hydraulic systems
? Safety of pneumatic and hydraulic systems
Recommended literature:
? BEATER, Peter. Pneumatic drives: system design, modelling and control. Berlin: Springer, c2010. ISBN 978-3-642-08900-8.
? JELALI, Mohieddine and KROLL, Andreas. Hydraulic Servo-systems: Modelling, Identification and Control, ISBN 978-1-4471-0099-7

Abbreviations used:


Mode of completion of the course:

Weekly load (hours per week):