Code: 32BE-P-BCOR-01 Business Correspondence
Lecturer: PhDr. Eva Císlerová Ph.D. Weekly load: 0P+2C Completion: EX
Department: 32104 Credits: 3 Semester: W,S
The aim of the course to help students write better emails in English as emails are the most common form of written communication. It is aimed at intermediate or upper-intermediate level, and consists of sessions of language practice covering a wide range of business topics. It includes exercises on email style, but also practices more conventional language areas, such as fixed expressions, sentence structures, linking words, prepositions, verb tenses, and punctuation etc. It will help students to write effective emails, express themselves clearly, and their writing will be easier to understand. The course also uncovers cultural differences in Czech and English business communication

Seminar contents:
1 Introduction. Email structure. Content and style. AI.
2 Job application and personnel appointments
3 Recommendation letters
4 Enquiries and replying to enquiries
5 Complaints and apologies
6 Orders
7 Reports
8 Advertising and publicity
9 Formal vs informal; American vs (?) British vs (?) Czech; translation
10 Banking
11 Payment
12 Miscellaneous correspondence, AI, grammar and spelling
13 Revision
Recommended literature:
ISBN10: 1405012943 Email English Paul Emmerson 2013
ISBN-10: 0130897922 Business Correspondence: A Guide to Everyday Writing Lin Lougheed 2003
ISBN-10: 0194572137 Oxford Handbook of Commercial Correspondence A. Ashley 2007
ISBN 9780521532891 English Grammar In Use Raymond Murphy 2004
ISBN 978-80-87062-52-4 Anglický slovník Lingea Lexicon 5
business, writing, correspondence, stylistics

Abbreviations used:


Mode of completion of the course:

Weekly load (hours per week):