Code: 32ME-P-PSUS-01 Principles of Sustainability
Lecturer: Mgr. Michael Pondělíček Ph.D. Weekly load: 2P+0C Completion: EX
Department: 32165 Credits: 3 Semester: W
Part of the course is an explanation of the history of the concept and the procedure to sustainability, the most up-to-date directions and thought processes in current global, European and Czech politics. The course, among other things, focuses on the practical knowledge of students, so managers from practice will be invited to the lessons. Part of the course will be a visit/excursion. The procedural focus of the course allows to apply the knowledge in the practice of the development of regions and cities, but also in administration and regional administration, or envigogic.
1. History of the concept of SD, concept of SD and previous concepts
2. Sustainable development and its pillars and attributes
3. Derived terms and activities ? Agenda 21, strategic plans of SD and public administration
4. Agenda 21 at the local level and their procedures, application in the Czech Republic
5. Genesis of Agenda 21 and their development in the Czech Republic, incl. SD criteria and indicators, public
6. Sustainable development strategy at national and regional level, sustainability assessment
7. Indicators of SD and legal standards for sustainability in the Czech Republic, the role of public administration and
authorities, Global Development Goals and MDGs
8. Original and development trends of SD to the present, differences in the concept of SD in the world and in our
country, penetration of UR into laws and into life and corporate strategies
9. Current trends and development of sustainable development in the Czech Republic and the world, guidelines,
procedures, organizations supporting SD
10. News in SD ? resilience, adaptation to the effects of climate change, mitigation
11. Covenant cities, Green procurement, Fairtrade, Low carbon technology, GRW, Sustainable tourism
12. LivedirectionsofdevelopmentofSDinthepresent,EastagainstWestanddemocracy,perceptionofsustainability
and principles between the USA, EU, China, Russia and India, or the rest of the world at the current level during
the war and changes in the Green Deal.
13. Disinformation, alarmism, ecoterrorism and coercive actions, organizations, characters
14. Excursion to some SD applications in the practice of regional development
Recommended literature:
Basic literature:
PONDĚLÍČEK, M., ŠILHÁNKOVÁ, V. Principles of Sustainability. Study text. Praha: ČVUT, 2022.
NOVÁČEK, P. Sustainable development. Olomouc: Palacký University, 2011. 427 s. ISBN 978-80-244-2884-0. UNITED NATIONS: Agenda 21 [online]. 1992.
ŠILHÁNKOVÁ, V. Indicators of sustainable development for municipalities. Hradec Králové: Civitas per populi, 2011. 152 s. ISBN 978-80-904671-5-6.
DESAI, A. Global Sustainability and Innovation. 2nd ed., Cognella Academic Publishing, 2017. ISBN 978-1516520817.

Recommended literature:
FIFEKOVÁ, E. et al. Dilemmas of economic growth: the path from unlimited possibilities towards responsibility? 1.
vyd. Praha: Wolters Kluwer, 2021.
ISBN 978-80-7676-042-4.
BRINKMANN, R. Introduction to sustainability. 2nd edition. Hoboken: Wiley Blackwell, 2021. ISBN 978-1-119-67546-4.
COHEN, S., DONG, G. The sustainable city. 2nd edition. New York: Columbia University Press, ?2021. ISBN 978-0- 231-19655-0.
PONDĚLÍČEK, M., ŠILHÁNKOVÁ, V. (eds.) Agenda 2030 in the Czech Republic: vision and oportunity. Ostrava: Key
Publishing, 2017. ISBN 978-80-7418-286-0.

Abbreviations used:


Mode of completion of the course:

Weekly load (hours per week):